Wednesday, December 4, 2013


"We know what we are but not what we may be."  Ophelia in Hamlet

The tragic thoughts which came to Ophelia right before she took her life. The circumstance may be quite a depiction of loss. But the words where so rightly  encouraging. It reminds us that we are what we think we are but that doesn't stop us from becoming who we want to be. 

So the question lies beneath every human thoughts, who am I? and what will I become? Indeed, humans in all our complexity is by far the most interesting organism in existence. And having claim the ultimate power over all that exist before us we seek to find the answers to the very thought of what made us diverse and  yet so the same that in our profound contempt we have come to accept that each of us have filled each of the void that we have come to be.

But we still remain a question... WHAT ARE WE and WHAT WE WILL BECOME.

Welcome to rePSYCHable. Where I share all my questions, thoughts and reflections on my understanding on current readings and random thoughts on human behavior, complexities and existence. Please feel free to browse around, ask a questions or leave a comment.


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